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What You See is What You Get

Oracle Maureen

An Unstable Man—Who Idolizes Dictators

Trump’s latest highly unethical and incendiary comments—including numerous defamatory slurs, lies, slanderous remarks, and crude behaviors—have Heaven calling him out, and calling out his supporters.

This message is intended to reach those who continue to stand by such a deceptive man intent on causing dissension. With the election merely days away, Heaven is intervening and asking that Trump supporters look closer at who they are voting for. If you are still buying into Trump’s vicious lies and despicable behavior, please know that it is a reflection of your mind being in an equally unhealthy state. The Ascended Masters are gifting you Their wisdom and guidance to alert you that, should you align yourself with an unhinged man, who is also highly possessed, “it will come at a cost.”

By choosing Trump, you will have made an unwise choice under this “Test of Discernment and Wisdom.” We are trying to protect you from a punishment that God is ready to deliver to those who choose to put someone in power who has already shown he is a danger to both our individual and collective well-being.

Idolizes Dictators! (Ughh, Are You Kidding Me…😩😳)

Trump has expressed a real fascination and approval of the vicious, cruel dictators that run their countries using fear, intimidation, violence, discrimination, and without any regard for the people who live there. He has even reached out to many of these dictators, building relationships with them, praising and complimenting them, as well as offering favors in order to get in their good graces.

Here are just some examples of Trump praising dictators (CNN):

  • Adolf Hitler: Trump said on numerous occasions that “Hitler did some good things, too” (CNN).

  • Russian dictator Vladimir Putin: Trump called him a “genius” for “taking over a country – really a vast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people, and just walking in,” after the invasion of Ukraine (CNN).

  • North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un: Trump called him “somebody that I’ve gotten to know very well and respect” and said they “fell in love” (CNN).

  • Chinese President Xi Jinping: Trump said he’s “strong like granite. He runs 1.4 billion people with an iron hand” (CNN).

  • Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Trump called him “a friend of mine” who is “getting very high marks” for governing “very, very strongly” (CNN).

  • Hungarian strongman Viktor Orbán: Trump said, “There’s nobody that’s better, smarter or a better leader than Viktor Orbán… He’s the boss and he’s a great leader, fantastic leader. In Europe and around the world, they respect him” (CNN).

Trump’s Cruel Behavior—Another Warning Sign

One of the most upsetting examples of Trump’s bullying is his treatment of E. Jean Carroll. Trump was found liable for committing battery and defamation against E. Jean Carroll. Jurors found he sexually abused the writer AND defamed her when he denied her allegation. Then he sued her AGAIN in June of 2023 (NPR).

He also continually disrespects U.S. service members. It was recently revealed that in December of 2020, Trump spoke in a highly disparaging way about Vanessa Guillén, a 20-year-old Army private who was murdered by a fellow soldier at Fort Hood, in Texas. After initially offering to pay for Guillén’s funeral, Trump complained, “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a f***ing Mexican!” (The Atlantic).

According to John Kelly, Trump thinks “those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them,’” (NBC). This echoes past claims that during a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, Trump called the American marines buried there “losers” and “suckers" (The Atlantic).

Make No Mistake: If Re-Elected, Trump Plans to Be a Dictator

Amidst all of Trump’s hateful and incendiary rhetoric, one thing is clear: he intends to rule like the dictators he loves, disregarding the will of the American people. The writing is on the wall:

  • Trump’s former chief of staff John Kelly says it plainly: Trump fits into the definition of a “fascist” and “prefers the dictator approach to government.”

  • Kelly also specifically recounted how Trump said he “wished his military personnel showed him the same deference Adolf Hitler’s Nazi generals showed the German dictator during World War II” (CNN).

  • Late last year, Trump said he plans to “rule” our nation as a “dictator” on day one in office, if re-elected, and that he is “preparing for an aggressive expansion of his powers should he take back the White House” (NPR).

  • Trump incited an insurrection on January 6, 2021, and has continually perpetrated the “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was stolen, though this has been continually proven false.

  • Trump threatened a “termination” of the Constitution (AP).

  • Trump said he would seek “retribution” if re-elected and possibly imprison his political opponents (NBC).

Is This Who You Are Going to Stand By?

Is Trump truly who you want as our next president? Are you really going to vote for a cruel pathological liar who likes to slander and degrade innocent people easily and often? Are you really going to vote a fraud into office who has already shown you that he has no problem harming people… and who also wants to rule you as a dictator??!

If you still do, or if you are still on the fence, please know the misery Trump will bring into our society will be, in part, because of you. By voting for Trump, you give power to a diabolical man who has shown he is unstable and uninterested in fairness, peace, harmony, safety, or our democracy. Rather, you will have put into office someone who will continue to cause chaos, hurt, and pain. Those who vote for Trump will have opened the door for him and given him the opportunity to continue his deceptive, harmful acts.

Please know if you bring this problem into our nation, you, too, will have to contend with your Maker, God, who has already enlightened you, through Me, multiple times. He will strike down, not just Trump but also those who empower and enable him to continue to harm His Children and our world. Please choose wisely when you vote this November 5th. 🙏

Blessings & Namaste,

Oracle Maureen

Saint Mary of Bethany

Chief Principal for Jesus, Kuan Yin, Mary, Buddha & God

Master Channeler & Spiritual Teacher

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