Really? 😳

President-elect Donald Trump ran his campaign on one precedent: he will ‘Make America Great Again’. His picks for his cabinet show that this will not be the case. Trump’s decision to nominate highly dishonest, unethical loyalists who lack proper credentials should worry and alarm the American people. 🧐😬
God and Jesus have asked Me to open the door and show you who Trump has picked to put in his Cabinet to serve you. Let’s look at his choices so far.
Trump Gathers His Gang to Follow His Orders
Matt Gaetz: Gaetz is facing allegations of paying for sex, having sex with an underage 17-year-old (witnessed by another teenage girl), and illicit drug use. These allegations are under investigation by the House Ethics Committee, despite Gaetz resigning from Congress last week. With complete disregard to this, Trump has nominated Gaetz to be the Attorney General. Gaetz has minimal legal experience and is overwhelmingly underqualified for this job, on top of not having the ethical base expected of a nominee for this position (Forbes).
Pete Hegseth: Trump nominated Hegseth for the role of Secretary of Defense. Why is he being called the least qualified candidate in history? For starters, much like our last candidate, Hegseth was being investigated for sexual assault before he paid off his victim. He has been admonished for being a white supremacist, and most importantly never successfully advanced above the ranking of a major in the army (Independent).
RFK JR: A candidate shunned by his own family has been selected to head our Department of Health and Human Services. He is an uncanny choice for the position as he is said to have a ‘willful disregard for the scientific process.’ He frequently spreads misinformation harmful to public health and pushes debunked conspiracy theories regarding COVID19 (ABC News).
Lee Zeldin: The nomination for the Environmental Protection Agency Administrator has gone to the highly controversial Lee Zeldin. Zeldin plans to make deregulation his primary mission—the opposite of what our climate needs right now. He has little background in energy or environmental regulations and therefore is a nonsense pick for the job (E&E News).
Linda McMahan: We are unprivileged to expect former WWE CEO Linda McMahon to be secretary of the Department of Education. Linda McMahan has no background in education, which we learned about when she publicly lied about having a degree to get on a small school board. And what’s worse is her agenda: to privatize public education (National Education Association).
Tulsi Gabbard: Up for Director of National Intelligence is Tulsi Gabbard. Ironically enough, she poses the greatest security risk of all being described as an ‘inside threat’. Gabbard’s work has been described as disdainful of the work the intelligence community does. Gabbard spouts conspiracy theories regarding the Syrian government’s attack on civilians and even embraces Russian propaganda about the Ukraine war. You tell me—should we elect someone who idolizes dangerous dictators to be our Director of National Intelligence (The Atlantic)?
Trump is neglecting to use the typical procedure of FBI background checks and is instead choosing people who are willing to do his will. This is not only unethical but is a threat to U.S. citizens. Imagine a future where criminals control every aspect of our lives, environment, education, and country? Unfortunately, that is the future Trump has nominated for us.

God’s Message: Warning You of Trump’s Mistake
God said:
“The ethics of your leaders is the only thing you should ever focus on… not what they ‘convince’ you they will do. They say they will fill your wallets, but I AM the One who gives you your coins, not them. What you receive is what you have earned from Me.
Choosing leaders based on materialistic matters opposed to virtues is always a difficult, if not painful, lesson to learn from. Value not their promises of materialism, but rather their level of honesty and integrity. If you want to be well taken care of, this, My children, is the only way you will ever be safe in a leader’s care.”
For those who chose to put Trump into the position of being President of the United States, please know that you helped bring in the chaos that will now follow as Trump begins to create his own personal mob… I mean gang… I mean Cabinet… to rule over you. For those who chose to vote for Harris who showed herself to be hands-down more honest and ethical than Trump, please know that your choice of using your wisdom and ethics will serve you by receiving more of God’s protection from the harm that is being created for our society. Please keep praying for more Divine Intervention from God and Jesus so that they may shift away the problems and chaos that Trump and his cronies will cause. Also, pray for their protection and grace from the President-elect’s harm. 🙏🌈🙏
Blessings & Namaste,
Oracle Maureen
Saint Mary of Bethany
Chief Principal for Jesus, Kuan Yin, Mary, Buddha & God
Master Channeler & Spiritual Teacher