Are you kidding me?! 😦🫢 Trump just can’t seem to stop lying… even to people whose worlds have just been destroyed by the wrath of devastating and humbling hurricanes.
I feel compelled to address this and call out Trump’s deceitful and alarming behavior—lying to people suffering painful losses by scaring them into thinking that they do not have 'emergency relief funds' available from our government to help rebuild their lives in the aftermath of a drastic emergency, such as the ones they are currently trying to recover from.
With his bold-faced lies, which have no proven truth or merit, Trump has spread defamatory falsehoods, showing no remorse or guidance. One must question: Has Trump lost his mind—and his heart?
In his altered universe, Trump is not only spewing lie after lie in an unkind and uncompassionate manner, but it is very clear that he is getting a sense of satisfaction, even joy, from scaring and threatening people who have just lost their homes, businesses, personal belongings, pets, and more… not to mention the stress and agony that comes with their crisis.
It honestly blows My mind that so many people still want to rally around him and claim that he is fit to be the best candidate for our next president of the United States. 🥺😫😲
Equally disturbing is Trump’s ability to lie so easily—and so extremely. He tells outrageous, bold-faced lies with a cold, callous attitude, even when he has been corrected multiple times by the government, politicians, reporters, journalists, and more.
Trump’s outrageous lies are hurting people by slandering our government, which is helping during this crisis, his opponent Kamala Harris, and many others. He is also deterring people who have just experienced a catastrophic event and who need financial support.
For all of these reasons and more, God, your Creator, and your Lord and Savior Jesus feel compelled to respond to Trump’s lies and those who are spreading and supporting them.
They have asked Me to enlighten you as the race for our next president—Trump or Harris—picks up as Election Day nears.

They said Trump is acting more deceptive, playing “low and dirty” as a way to make his opponent, Harris, and the Democratic Party currently running our government, seem incompetent. They said that Trump’s crusade of lying is nothing more than a “ploy to win voters' confidence by making his opponent look deficient.” In simple terms, if we were in first grade on the playground, Trump would be tripping people and pushing them around to steal the best swing on the swing set.
They said:
“Trump’s behavior and lies are becoming diabolical.” As a result, they now have “disdain” for him and his supporters for giving him a platform that enables him to hurt people beyond his lies.
Trump’s manipulation and deception about FEMA are both disturbing and alarming, as is the behavior of the Republican supporters who back him.
Our nation has just experienced two back-to-back, horrific hurricanes that caused hundreds of deaths, numerous injuries, and a great amount of devastation and loss for the survivors. This is a time to show compassion and help those suffering from their losses and emotional turmoil. But instead of helping and supporting those in need, Trump continues his lies, derailing their healing, and shifting the focus from their care to his antics.
Trump has spread many lies about FEMA, and God and Jesus are enraged.
Trump lied, saying that:
1. The people who suffered loss and destruction from the hurricanes would only receive $750 to help them recover—this is a lie. This is an upfront payment that allows people to buy food and other necessities FEMA assesses your eligibility; someone may qualify for substantially more (FEMA).
2. If people accept support from FEMA, their homes would be taken from them by the government—another lie. Applying for disaster assistance does not give FEMA or the federal government any authority over, or ownership of, your property or land (FEMA).
3. Instead of giving money to help people recover from natural disasters, the government (the Biden administration) is giving billions of dollars to help immigrants illegally flood our country—yet another lie. FEMA has a separate pool of funds to aid migrants, which does not include the roughly $11 billion in the disaster relief fund (CNN).
Jesus’s Message:
“I beseech you to choose your morals and wisdom when deciding what to believe and support. Following common sense, intellect, and intuition is how you make wiser choices that allow you to create positive karmic outcomes; thinking from your ego, personal self-agenda, or low ethics is what brings you the pain of negative karmic outcomes.
We want to deter you, again, from aligning yourself with a proven liar who has repeatedly shown that his only interest is himself. Wake up and open your eyes. What you allow and condone is exactly what you will manifest… and what I will have to send you.
We want only to bring you joy. Hearing and seeing your pain and misery, which you bring upon yourself, breaks our hearts… and angers Us.
Stop the madness now. Stop giving a man who is causing destruction and division in your society the ability to continue causing harm. Know that by aligning yourself with a liar and helping to spread his despicable lies, you too are a liar.
Please do not contribute to Trump’s toxic behavior. Think about your karma… think about your fellow man.”
As a result of Trump’s lies, more continue to grow. His allies are now spinning their own, expanding his web of lies even further. Rep. Marjorie Green and others are now trying to claim that the “government controls natural disasters,” such as the devastating hurricanes that just crushed Florida and the Carolinas, as well as the tornadoes that followed.
Trump’s highly unethical behavior of spreading lies and slander—just to win—is costing us. The people supporting Trump’s lies are also costing us. Most of them have an agenda; they seek to gain a benefit from having Trump in power. Others are following Trump and his group blindly, much like a cult, lacking the awareness and virtues of honesty and compassion.
Don’t fall prey to a deceitful and unstable manipulator. Warn others who have fallen under Trump’s dark influence about the negative karma that awaits them. If you do not want to be on God and Jesus’s bad side, use your wisdom and ethics to make choices that are honorable, honest, and helpful toward others… so that you may be on the side of receiving Their Gifts instead.
Blessings & Namaste,
Oracle Maureen
Saint Mary of Bethany
Chief Principal for Jesus, Kuan Yin, Mary, Buddha & God
Master Channeler & Spiritual Teacher