Heaven Has Given Insights to Earth’s Eruptions
Hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, floods, extreme heat waves and plague that won’t stop cycling – all happening at the same time. It is stressful, scary and heart-breaking to see so much destruction and death happening all at once. What is happening? I received at message from Blessed Mary Mother and Goddess Kuan Yin, September 2, giving me clarity about why so much destruction is being sent to us right now. They have asked me to tell you in hopes that Their messages can move the hearts that need to be moved and changed - so we can be protected from further acts of natural disaster and disease. Here is Mother Mary and Kuan Yin’s message, which They gave to me with a sorrowful heart. The Queens said: “God is displeased with the amount of anti-Christs. He is saddened to the point of being angered with the lack of worship being given towards His Son. He is painfully witnessing an inexcusable amount of worship from ‘anti-Christ’ followers, who still fail to recognize and embrace the One soul that He sent into your environment to rescue and save you from your sins and mistakes. Those that still deny faith in Jesus and His efforts of coming to enlighten you, are costing you more punishments from the plague (Covid) because of their lack of respect to His Son. His teachings are meant to save you from further sufferings and incarnations, so that you could have an eternal Heavenly life in your Afterlife, when your time comes to leave the earth dimension. Your Heavenly Father has spoken and has spoken again. His pain and anguish through your environment and will not stop until He sees conversion. Please hear Our cries to you and please, please listen to Him and Love and accept your Lord, your Savior, My Son, Jesus, so that your punishments can come to an end. My heart aches for you, as does Kuan Yin’s, as do All the Guides and Angels who must stand by and witness the destruction of floods, fire, tornadoes, illness and war that are destroying your environment as a means to let you know God is saddened and displeased. Please put down your stubborn ways and embrace the one true path that was given to you for your salvation. It is the path through Christ that will see that you live in peace and serenity with Us someday in the Heavenly Realms, but only if you believe in and worship My Son.“ ~ Given to me from Blessed Mother Mary and Goddess Kuan Yin in light of the many catastrophic natural diesters currently happening causing major destruction and death in our environment.
Recent Natural Disasters: Current Natural Disasters Happenings; Causing Havoc to Our Environment & Death:
• Hurricane Ida caused damage from Louisiana to metropolitan New York. Ida classified as a Category 4 storm, one of the strongest storms to hit the region since Hurricane Katrina created dangerous flash floods and tornadoes across the Northeast after leaving much of the South devastated and sadly taking 13 lives so far, and many injured. More than one million struggles without power, cars under water, homes destroyed and many people displaced.
• Catastrophic Flash Flooding in New York and New Jersey, along the Northeast, by the remnants of Hurricane Ida, sadly taking 50 lives, so far.
• Huge Wildfires broke out near Lake Tahoe, California, at the California-Nevada border.
• Tropical Storm Grace hit Haiti just wo days after it suffered from a deadly earthquake with powerful winds and heavy rains, which battered the Caribbean nation, sadly taking more than 1,400 lives and injuring nearly 7,000.
• Drought has occurred across the U.S. as a result of due to extreme heat, lack of rain, and wildfires.
• Lightning Strike hit a tree in Northern Minnesota in the Superior National Forest, starting a fiery blaze that is continuing to burn and spread to the nearby pristine Boundary Waters.
• Fires in Canada have also ignited and continue to burn, destroying many areas.
• Cataclysmic Flooding killed more than 200 people in Europe last month, and wildfires are raging in Siberia, across the Mediterranean and along the western coasts of the U.S. and Canada.
• Excessive Heat waves have been scorching many of the states all summer long.
• Deadly Plague continues to exist as another cycle of illness was sent it by the name of Delta, joining Covid, threatening to debilitate and take more lives.
God is speaking His un-happiness with the anti-Christs in an earth shattering way, and will not stop sending consequences until He sees people embrace Jesus’ presence. Please pass this message on to anyone that you know in hopes that they make a change. Just like a drop in a stream causes a ripple effect to happen throughout the water, so does the process of enlightenment. One message and lesson can help shift someone and they can then pass it on and enlighten someone else. We need A Lot of souls to become enlightened and make different choices and Believe in Jesus in order for our environment and living conditions to become harmonious and serene, safe from pain and destruction that God’s unhappiness will create. Please do what you can and make your Creator and His Son, Jesus, Your Lord, happy, so we can live in a happy environment.
Master Channeler Maureen
Principle Oracle for Kuan Yin
Principle Oracle for Jesus
Primary Oracle for Mother Mary
Primary Oracle for Buddha
Direct Oracle for God