Trump is Our Ruler—I mean, President

It is not a good day for our nation—if you value peace and harmony. And it is not a good day for those who chose to make Trump our 'Ruler.'
I was woken early this morning to the sound of 'warning bells' and saw them in God's hand, ringing above My head, when He asked Me to rise and deliver this message to you.
Creator said:
"You have used your free will—and the majority of my beings have chosen to use theirs and go against My Will and their ethics.
As your Creator, your Heavenly Father, it has caused Me both deep sadness and true rage that you have chosen to align yourself with a despicable, pathological liar. Someone who has shown you, repeatedly and in multiple ways, his desire to cause dissension and pain to others…your brothers and sisters… and My children.
Know that your choice to align with someone who has proven himself to be highly unethical—even dangerous to your nation—is a direct reflection of you and where you are in your development.
Whether you are also in a corded state of being influenced by demons, struggling with a mental imbalance, or operating from a place of only thinking of yourself and how Trump can make your paycheck bigger or benefit some other self-serving desire you have... know that you have failed this 'test of discernment and wisdom.'
You have been evaluated by Me and My holy son Jesus, tested in your ability and willingness to use ethics and wisdom. Know that for those who chose unethical Trump, you have failed this test and will be disciplined for your unwillingness to use high virtues. And for those who chose the ethical and honest candidate, Harris, you have succeeded and will be rewarded accordingly.
Do not make the mistake of interpreting Trump’s win as a gift sent from Me. He was a 'test' given by Me--one intended to test you on your level of wisdom, virtues, and discernment so that you could advance your soul's growth and enlightenment by learning and accepting that choosing only honest, harmonious leaders is the path that will create peace on Earth.
Consequences will, unfortunately, prevail in your society because so many among you still lack the value that virtues provide and instead are more interested in operating from low morals and personal self-gain rather than caring for the ‘Collective Group’ you are part of, sharing your nation together as one multicultural, diverse group of siblings.
For those who chose to obey My Will, listened to their intuition, and used high ethics by choosing the honest candidate, Harris, know that you have been acknowledged and can take comfort in knowing that My protection will embrace you in ways it will not for the others.
For those who chose to obey My will, listened to their intuition, and used high ethics by choosing the honest player in this game, Harris, know that you have been acknowledged and can have some peace of mind in knowing My protection will embrace you in ways it will not for the others.
Trump is not a gift from Me; rather, he is a mirror to you—reflecting back, showing you who you are. Those who chose Trump chose corruption. They have a much longer climb in their ascension process to attain enlightenment, as well as My blessings. Those who chose the honesty that Harris brought can have validation that their ethics are far superior to their fellow students who sit in a lower classroom with Trump. For these students, My hand is held out lovingly to you and will help you when the others make your life difficult.
You have now put into motion a difficult roller coaster. Pray for My forgiveness for your lack of judgment in choosing the one who will now take you on a ride that many of you will wish to get off. Use your humility; admit your fault for not considering 'what was best for your collective group,' and instead focusing on your self-serving agenda that aligned with Trump’s low ethics.
Trust in knowing I will hear all of My children’s prayers. You must move My heart more to inspire Me to intervene and give you My saving grace. Those who used their virtues and passed this test by choosing the ethical Harris will be heard by My ears levels and levels above those who chose the dishonest Trump and his campaign of hate.
I will be listening and rewarding those who have earned My grace; and I will be disciplining those who failed this crucial test and have put My other children in harm's way. Prepare yourselves."
Blessings & Namaste,
Oracle Maureen
Saint Mary of Bethany
Chief Principal for Jesus, Kuan Yin, Mary, Buddha & God
Master Channeler & Spiritual Teacher