Heaven Sheds Light on Why it's Time for Biden to Retire
Heaven has something to say about whether President Joe Biden should be re-elected. They actually channeled their vision and thoughts to Me months ago... right after Biden entered the 2024 presidential race. They tell Me exactly when to deliver Their messages, and Their guidance is divinely timed. Oh, and I'm constantly challenged and hesitant when asked to share God and the Ascended Masters' guidance on politics, especially since that topic causes so much division. They are not messages that I am giving you from Me personally. They are direct messages that I have received and been asked, or rather ‘required’ to give to you.
Heaven's Message About Biden
A few weeks after Biden decided to run for the President of the United States again, I was woken up and given a vital message by God and Jesus to deliver to you about Biden. God and Jesus are now urging me to give you Their message about Biden regarding the Presidency because of the valid concerns over Biden's health and leadership. The topic of Biden's age has been a concern for some time, and They affirmed it should be. He is currently 81, and if re-elected, would be our President, running our Nation at ages 82-86. So, to verify, They want you to know the truth... that Biden's age and his well-being WILL be an issue.
I was shown Biden walking, and he started walking slower as his head dropped. I saw him struggle as he 'slowed down and struggled both physically with his energy and his mind.' As I watched him 'walking slower and struggling to make his way,' They said:
"Biden's health will be an issue. He will be experiencing frequent periods of fatigue and a drop in his well-being—both physically and mentally. Tell them."
They are giving you this message now because of the recent incidents where Biden has misspoken on essential matters, and too many people are simply discounting his mistakes.

Biden has had a long and coveted history in the political arena. He is admired by many who don't wish to see him leave office—but those people surrounding him are not genuinely considering his overall well-being, and are turning a blind eye to his past discretions.
People are coming in and doing damage control by trying to get you to think the missteps Biden has shown in public are just innocent blunders anyone can make. Some supporters are even going on to exaggeratively boast about him as a way to get to you looking in another direction. I have seen the 'tour of trying to joke off his faux pas' and the false narrative 'sales pitch' that many in his corner have been doing. The problem with these smoke-and-mirror tactics, is that those who are supporting and exploiting Biden are not being honest nor looking out for him or us. They are covering for his memory loss and lack of mental clarity—and Heaven wants to know the facts. Who you choose to put in office is a big deal. The person will either improve your standard of living—or cause it to decline.
Biden's Health Will Be An Issue
God and Jesus told Me that Biden's well-being will be at a lower level in the near future. He will have less stamina, mental clarity, and physical health during the second 4-year term should he be elected President again. This means he would perform at a deficient level for you and our country, which will cost us—because he will not be able to discern and make critical, safe, and precise decisions. It also means that whoever is Vice President would have to step in and be much more involved in making presidential decisions when Biden is unable to do so.
Because Biden has been exhibiting periods of a decline in his well-being, even in the public eye, this will worsen for him in the near future. Heaven wants you to have complete clarity about the truth of what Biden will be offering if you choose to re-elect him... which means there will be problems with his leadership due to a decline in his overall health.
For this reason, Heaven is not in support of Biden being our next President again. At his golden age, Biden will not have the health, both physically and mentally, or the stamina to be able to keep up with the demands of the role of President of the United States.
In addition to a decline in our current President's well-being, God and Jesus have another reason why Biden is not a good fit to no longer run the United States of America. Heaven wants to remind you of Their previous message, where They revealed that Biden did act inappropriately along with his son Hunter in a self-advantageous way, and that created illegal financial opportunities for himself and his son. The investigation into this matter by the Republicans recently concluded that they did not find enough proof. However, Heaven said there is a reason for the lack of proof of the Bidens' shady and unethical scheme. I was told that "political favors were exchanged" and "there were times where Joe's influence did involve bribery" to deter looking entirely into the Bidens' criminal misdealings.
It is for both of these reasons, Biden's upcoming further decline in his health along with his unethical and opportunistic quest for position and financial gain, that Heaven is not in favor of Biden being President again. They are enlightening you to warn you that if you choose Biden—you will have a President who will be distracted by ongoing fatigue, periods of memory loss, lack of mental clarity, and other health issues.

Choose Your Next President Wisely
Heaven is hoping that when you choose your next President, you vote for one who you know will lead your Nation with wisdom, strength, compassion, resiliency, bravery, and ethics. The President who should be in office is one who refrains from leading by ego or dishonesty—and should be a leader who confidently creates a world where you can prosper and not suffer.
Are you wondering what They have had to say about Trump? Don't worry, They have had a lot to say to Me about Trump... which I plan to deliver to you soon. ;)
Oracle Maureen
Saint Mary of Bethany
Chief Principal Oracle for God, Jesus, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary and Buddha
Master Channeler & Spiritual Teacher