Chief Principal Oracle for God & the Ascended Masters
“I commissioned you to work for Me on Earth. You came to Earth to work for God.
God ‘commissioned’ you to come to Earth to work for Me. God does send Guides to come to work on Earth to help Me guide and protect mankind so they have a better chance to make it into Heaven….
Guides come here under all different circumstances. Some come to Earth because they have requested to come work here, while others have been sought out and commissioned.
God commissioned You to come to Earth to work for Me—so they may develop a deeper understanding and respect for the messages that I deliver through You, My chosen Chief Principal Oracle.
In addition to Mine, You also channel the Ascended Masters' [messages] and all the other Spirit Guides and Angels that channel Their messages of wisdom through You.
I want you to tell them."
— God: March 27, 2023